Happy 8th Birthday To My Little Lady


Photo on the left was for Kamie’s first birthday; while photo on the right was taken last month in Coron, Palawan

Dearest Kyan,

Eight years ago today, my life has changed. Eight years ago today, you came into our life after a long wait. You didn’t come with instructions and I have always questioned myself if I am doing things right. We did a lot of things together on your first two years. We laughed together, we cried together (I cry with you when you refuse to sleep and you’re all fuzzy). You watched me while I do my business in the bathroom. You consoled me when I lost our baby. You we’re a chubby bouncy toddler, who always liked to sing on top of your lungs and dance like there’s no tomorrow. You went to school early because you loved learning. You get results when you put your heart and mind into anything, and I am one proud momma.

It warms my heart to reminisce those days when we’re out on travel or in the mall and I had to carry you because you love walking and I’m so afraid to lose you in the crowd. And at times that I let you walk, I knew I’m holding your hand too tight to make sure you’re not going to go anywhere. I remember every milestone you had like they happened yesterday.

Today, as I look at you get dressed to school, I realized how much you’ve grown. The last 8 years have gone by too fast; and as much as I want to slow down time, I can’t. In 10 years you’ll be 18 and the years before that happen might also be gone in a flash. I’m sure there will come a point when you’ll think I’m lame and uncool; that I talk too much which will make your eyes roll. Always keep in mind what you CAN’T do to me and to your dad, because that will spare you from being hit by the discipline stick.

You’re smart, funny, cute and clever, but I wanted you to be kind, respectful and confident. We still have a few years to build your character, meanwhile, be happy with who you are. Always love yourself and never let anything (or anyone) hold you back. You only get this one shot at life, embrace every opportunity. Take risks. Go on adventures. But always remember, if your heart is telling you something isn’t right, listen to it.

I know I’m a tiger mom, because you said so. You noted that my spirit animal is a lion then changed it to dinosaur. I smiled at the comparison. I knew I’m roaring like a lion especially in the morning, but you know how lioness protect their cubs, right? They fight to death just to protect their young. They take care of their cubs until they reach a certain age; then let them go to fend for themselves. And that’s my goal for you (and your sister). I’m rearing you to be an independent, responsible individual, who can take care of herself.

I pray for your protection and safety, for good health and for wisdom. I pray that you find friends that constantly have your back. Always be grateful for the things that you have. You are blessed with so much and continue to be a blessing to others. I love you no matter how much you grow. You will always have my support, whether you do good or otherwise.

Keep dreaming. Keep on believing. Happy 8th birthday to the girl who promoted my status to MOM.